Actually, truth-be-told, Ive located the original cord that came with the camera when I purchased it this past summer after having lost the cord that went to my old camera (and subsequently finding it after having made said major purchase...but that camera really was ancient!)
So after replacing said cord, the one that came with the new camera, and losing the replacement cord, I have found the original cord in the most natural of all places, why, of course, at the bottom of my knitting bag.
And the reason, my friends, that you should be happy and shouting for joy at this discovery, aside from the obvious -- I am not going to have to pay Radio Shack another thirty dollars for a replacement cord this week -- is that I get to share with you these lovely images of natural beauty captured at my wedding.
My bouquet: No, it is not what I ordered. The roses were supposed to be almost black and the cala lilies were supposed to be fewer so that the effect was more like a sea of almost black roses with a border of cala lilies as opposed to a sea of cala lilies with a border of roses and yeah, we were pretty specific when we talked about it. But, you go to pick up your wedding bouquet on your wedding day, grateful that the morning sickness subsided when you ate your complimentary egg and toast at the B-n-B, and the florist explains to you (only after you calmly and gently comment that gee, I thought the roses were supposed to be darker...) that "that's what they sent me" (whatever that means, whomever they are) and so "I put in extra cala lilies to make up for it" (Okay, only kinda that's the exact opposite of what I wanted now as opposed to what I wanted with a little bit of a different color) what are you supposed to do? You are supposed to remind yourself that it's a bunch of flowers and that your day is going to be just beautiful and fun and amazing anyway and you thank her for the extra cala lilies and you think about how much worse it could be and you say to your friend, "Well, what are you gonna do?"
So that's what I did.
Anyway, here's how it looked. It was still gorgeous.
And for those of you who may have been wondering why every nurse in the Neuro ICU was saving Mannitol bottles for the past six months...
They make the most lovely miniature vases.
These were scattered everywhere. Just perfect.
More random beauty...we placed these in every nook and cubby we could every window and candle light. It was a really nice effect. I wanted there to be "surprise beauty" everywhere.
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