But render the Junior Mints and Reese's Cups unto MAMA!
We have another really lovely time trick-or-treating and celebrating at Tina's house this year. I snuck off to the Princess and the Pea bed to grab a short rest before going in to work at eleven o'clock, but not before enjoying going door-to-door with Ian and eating some of the wonderful food she had prepared for us. (And my mother's Amazing Maryland Crab Dip...and that doesnt mean "Maryland Style"...she's from Maryland, the crabs were from Maryland and the dip is out-o-this-world!)
So, another day of fun and spooky treats has come and gone. I wish I had a picture of the "ghost" I fashioned out of a pack of snackwell cookies, a piece of kleenex and some scotch tape for Erin, who relieved me at work at four am so I could get home and snooze a bit before Ian woke up. It was quite a masterpiece.
This year, the fun doesnt end on Halloween. Quite the contrary. We are going to be making some terrific All Saints and All Souls goodies today: Soul Cakes for dessert tonite and Mexican Day of the Dead Sugar Skull Cookies for tomorrow. (You can pretty much rest assured that I am cutting the sugar in the sugar cookie recipe by HALF. Enough is enough, after all.)
Have a wonderful All Saints. Light a candle for me,
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