05 July 2008

Can't Sleep... There's this baby in my esophagus

Oh yeah, I remember this. It seems we (Mary Elise and I) have entered a new phase in our time as inside-baby and mama. The ol' Just Try and Get Some Sleep with a Watermelon-sized Infant in your esophagus phase.
Handily coupled with the "Was that a contraction?" phase.
Ah yes, I remember it well.
It's funny how they say the pain of labor escapes you just after it's ended. Sensory memories are a real funny thing, though, too.
And as my husband would say, "funny" is a funny word. Not so much funny ha-ha.
I had remembered before tonite that in the end I slept sitting up with a washrag in my mouth, but...
I had forgotten how much it kind of well not kind of but really...

What's the word moms are supposed to use in place of the word "blew"?

People keep asking me if Im "ready" but not in the context of wondering if Im really ready...rather in the context of "Are you so sick of feeling like crap that you just want that thing in there to come out already?????" And Ive tried really hard to gently assert that while there are inconveniences involved in carrying a full-fledged infant around inside my uterus, there is a bright side and that bright side is that I am not able for any of my waking hours to forget that, for the second and most likely (my husband's eyebrows just went up in his sleep, methinks...most likely???? Well, we know from experience that we can not tell the future...) last time in this lifetime

I am harboring a miracle.

But Im also thinking, just now in fact, as I sit up at two am with infant-on-the-esophagus, that there just might be something to the whole "God made the end so darn uncomfortable so we would eventually want to push the thing out" theory too. Kind of like The Teenage Years. It's going to happen. She is going to come out. And the moment she comes out, I get to touch her and look into her eyes and hear her voice for the first time, but I also encounter the new risk of forgetting I have seen and felt and heard a miracle. And maybe the Universe knows that, being the sort of person I am, Im going to need a little encouragement to cross that threshold.

So the Universe puts an infant in my esophagus for a few nights and asks again "Are you ready?".

Yeah, I think Im ready.

Just please, I pray, don't let me forget the miracle.

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