That's what my little guy used to call Jack-o-lanterns when he was around two years-old. I love the way it feels when it rolls of the tongue...try it! "Lack-o-dantern!"
Tonite we (my son, my mom and my Dad) carved pumpkins. This is the first year in a while that I have been able to be home and participate when everyone else does the cutting. Usually I have to work. Another reason I love my weekend schedule.
A few other things about this year's carving night were different, too.
1. My father employed power tools for the job-at-hand while my mother tried to pretend she was not afraid he was going to cut off one of his appendages (or hers, as she was holding the pumpkin all the while).
2. I did not merely Intend To Save the seeds for roasting this year, but actually did save the seeds for roasting.
3. Ian created his jack-o-lantern, from start to finish, all by himself. This intention was announced at the commencement of the carving phase, after he had already cut off the top an scooped out the innards. I can't say I enjoyed watching my seven-year-old wield a knife in such a fashion, but I sure enjoyed seeing the look of determination on his face, subsequently replaced by a look of satisfaction at his handywork and a job-well-done. See for yourself:
"Now you are a lack-o-dantern! See the candle light shine..."