29 October 2007


At some point in time, someone gave T and his family a set of Puzzler cards bearing the mind-exercising (and really fun!) puzzles featured on the NPR Sunday Puzzler show. I found them and had been casually working some of them out with Ian as we sat on the front porch (he was mainly holding Gherkin the Turken while I figured out puzzles aloud). I happened to mention to T that I had found them and what fun they are. He had no idea they were even in the house, at least, he couldnt remember them or their origin. So, he and A have been dipping into the puzzler box every now and again and having a BLAST figuring them out.

Here's one of the ones they phoned in to me at work last night.

There is a name of a popular soup which, when written backwards, is a phrase meaning "later".
What is it?

(Not now)

Not only are these puzzles good mental exercise and great family fun, they make you feel SMART, too!

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