This is one of the invitations Ian made to our at-home Martinmas celebration. He asked me today, after we had just read about St. Martin of Tours, if he can dress up like a soldier like St. Martin. How did I know that was going to happen? Im not sure where he got the military gene but....It's in there.
We didn't get much "school" done today. When contemplating the whole home-schooling idea, I forgot to factor in the dozens of errands that I used to run every week while Ian was in school. Now he goes with me. I wish I were one of those mothers who had the patience and energy to consistently create math lessons in the grocery store or discuss history along the interstate. Im always looking for learning moments with Ian, but I have to admit there are times I let the moment pass without exploitation.
My conscience today is eased, however, because we are planning a family walk this evening out among the glorious autumn foliage. If we plan it right, we will be able to take in the colors at my favorite time of day...when the landscape is awash in the pink and purple hues of the evening sky.
Ian has a second-grader friend coming over for dinner and play this evening. He will be doing his homework here...I must admit Im a little bit curious about what his class is learning and how it is being presented. Ian became very frustrated with the copywork I gave him to do today. I ended up changing my mind and having him create an invitation to the wedding for his friend Seamus instead.
He began crying and told me that "This is just so much harder than first grade!"
I dont know if he is just having a rough day, if he just doesnt want to do "hard things" (which had been noticed by his first grade teacher last year as well as myself) or if I really am asking too much of him. Im shocked, actually, because I had been under the impression that the work we were doing was not challenging enough for him.
Who knew?
Well, we still don't know. It could have been any number of circumstances converging at one time to create that feeling in him. I did, however, lighten up the load today and will continue to try to be more sensitive.
As for me, I have a duvet cover to complete and a St. Francis of Assisi costume to begin.
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